How to Get Rid of Ants in your Garden

Welcome to our guide on dealing with ants, the common, yet often vexing, visitors to your garden. While they can be beneficial to soil aeration, an abundance of them can wreak havoc on your plants and ruin your outdoor leisure experience. From London’s urban areas to the greener countryside of Wales, ants can be found anywhere in the UK. Here, we'll discuss some practical, environmentally friendly ways to manage and reduce excessive ant populations without causing harm to your garden.

Identify the Ant Species in Your Garden

Before you can effectively deal with ants, it’s vital to know the species you're contending with. The UK is home to over 50 ant species, each responding differently to various control methods.

Know thy enemy: Identifying the ant species in your garden can inform the ideal methods for ant control.

Natural Ant Control Methods

Natural methods are often the first and most eco-friendly line of defence against smaller ant colonies. Here are five specific strategies you can adopt:

1. Home Remedies

Household items like cinnamon, peppermint oil, or vinegar can disrupt the scent trails ants use for navigation and deter them from your garden.

Home remedies: Common kitchen staples can become your first line of defence against garden ants.

2. Planting Ant Repellent Plants

Certain plants, like tansy, naturally repel ants. Incorporating such plants into your garden can help keep the ants at bay.

3. Ant Baits

You can create your own ant baits using boric acid and sugar, which can eliminate colonies over time.

4. Diatomaceous Earth

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is a natural powder made from tiny fossilized aquatic organisms and is safe to use around pets and humans. It's deadly to ants and other small insects but harmless to larger animals.

5. Boiling Water

A mixture of boiling water and soap poured directly into ant hills can help manage larger colonies, but this should be a last resort and used with extreme caution to avoid harming beneficial garden insects and plants.

Professional Pest Control

If you're dealing with a heavy ant infestation or a particularly challenging species, don't hesitate to call in professional help. Pest control services are equipped to handle serious infestations with a variety of tailored ant control methods.

If DIY pest control proves ineffective, don’t hesitate to call in a professional!

Remember, consulting a professional should be your first step in dealing with serious infestations. This ensures the safety and well-being of your garden, its surrounding areas and its inhabitants.


Decimating an ant infestation in your garden requires more than just a rolled-up newspaper. From identifying the ant species, using natural remedies and ant-repellant plans, to calling in the professionals for a serious infestation, the most effective tactics depend on various factors. With these strategies in mind - you'll be well-equipped to tackle these garden invaders.

Your garden should be a place of rest, not a battleground. Equip yourself with ant control methods and know when to call in the professionals.