How to stop water features turning green

There's nothing like a pristine water feature to bring life and tranquillity to your garden. It's why they're such a favourite in gardens across the UK. One of the most common issues people encounter with their water features is the water turning green. Why does this happen? Well, the green hue comes from a type of algae known as green water algae. While it’s natural and not harmful, having green water in your water feature is not aesthetically pleasing. This guide will take you through various steps that you can take to keep your water features clear and pleasing to the eye.

Regular Maintenance

The first and most important step in ensuring a clean and clear water feature is regular maintenance. Regularly cleaning your water features eliminates algae by disrupting its life cycle. Cleaning should involve scrubbing the feature and the addition of fresh water. However, take note that if your water feature contains fish, you should avoid using soap or bleach because it could cause harm.

Regular maintenance isn’t just important, it’s essential when it comes to preserving the beauty and functionality of your water feature.

Use of Algaecide

Another effective method is using an algaecide. This chemical is specially designed to kill algae, making it an easy, fast solution. However, algaecide should be used sparingly and as a last resort, as excessive use can potentially harm the environment especially if leaked into local water bodies.

Add Shading and Plant Life

Algae thrive in warm, sunlight-filled environments. Adding a shade to your water feature, either by a strategically placed umbrella or by growing plants that cast a shadow can help to keep your water cooler, lessening the algae's chance to bloom. In addition, consider placing plants within or near your water feature, as they will actively compete with algae for nutrients.

By reducing sunlight and offering competition, plant life is one of your best natural allies in the battle against green water.

Invest in High-Quality Water Filters

An efficient water filter system helps maintain water clarity by filtering out algae spores before they have a chance to grow. Make sure to clean and replace the filters regularly for optimal functioning.

In Summary

Keeping your water features clean and clear does not need to be a herculean task. Regular maintenance, strategic shading, the addition of appropriate plant life, the occasional use of algaecide, and an efficient filtration system can make a huge difference. Remember, prevention is better than cure. So stay ahead of the green water game and maintain your water feature’s beauty.