I have only received a part of my order
If you have ordered multiple items and if they are dispatched by different suppliers your order will be delivered over more than one delivery. You should receive separate dispatch details for the applicable items.
Please note that some goods are packaged in more than 1 box, some couriers will provide separate tracking details, but some may use just one for the whole consignment. Sometimes couriers may split deliveries or the boxes may be dispatched from different warehouses. This means your order may arrive at different times/ on different days.
Don't worry, the rest of your order should arrive by the estimated delivery date confirmed in your order confirmation email (unless there are delays beyond our control or during peak periods). Please wait until the estimated delivery date has passed by 2 working days. If this time has passed and there is no courier update (if applicable), please contact us and we will try to locate the rest of your order.