My Account Help
I have forgotten my password, how do I reset it?
You can reset your password by visiting
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How do I change my delivery address?
You can find your stored addresses on the 'Address Book' page. Once you are logged in you can access this page through the dropdown menu from the account icon on the top right of the page. Or by going to 'My Account' and using the left navigation tab...
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How do I change my billing address?
You can find your stored addresses on the 'Address Book' tab, there you can edit the billing address and delivery address. You can also manage your addresses via the account Dashboard.   Please note you will not be able to amend the address for...
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How do I change my email address?
Once you log in to your account, click on 'My Account' from the icon on the top right of the page.   You can click on 'Edit' under Contact Information on that page or by going to the left navigation menu and clicking on 'Account Information' (...
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How do I change my password?
Once you log in to your account, click on 'My Account' from the icon on the top right of the page.   You can click on 'Change Password' under Contact Information on that page or by going to the left navigation menu and clicking on 'Account Information...
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I haven't received my password reset email
The password reset email will only be sent if there is an account associated with that email address. We will send a welcome email after sign-up to the email address you used on sign-up.   Please check:
The email address you entered for the...
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How do I subscribe / unsubscribe from your newsletter?
You will find the Newsletter subscription options via your account dashboard or by visiting the 'Newsletter Subscription' link on the left navigation menu.   If the box is ticked then you are subscribed to receive email newsletters. If it is empty...
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